BMI offers two weekly Hackathons (collaborative computer
programming events):
BMI Hackathon (aka, the Hack-a-ton) meets Wednesday Mornings, 9am to noon, in the BMI HSC Faculty and Student Suite (HSC L3-045 Conference Rooms A&B). All are welcome, just show up. For questions, contact BMI Chief Technology Officer and Graduate Program Director, Dr. Jonas Almeida: subject “Hack-a-ton question.”
The HealthCare Data Hackathon meets Thursday Mornings, 10-11:30am at the SBMIT Flowerfield Training Room. The focus is using the HealtheIntent platform for improved data analytics. To join, please contact the organizer, BMI Chief of Data Analytics, Dr. Janos Hagajos:, subject "Thurs Hackathon."