BMI Grand Rounds: Katharine Kevill: MyAsthma MyPlan

Speaker: Katharine Kevill, MD, MHCDS, Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics

Title: MyAsthma MyPlan: A Patient and Provider-Facing App

Time: Wednesday, 3pm—4pm

Location: Atkins Center – HSC Level 4 (Radiology)

AbstractMyAsthma MyPlan is the prototype of a web-based application called MyBody MyPlan which we are developing here at SBUMCthrough a collaboration between clinicians and IT experts. MyAsthma MyPlan is currently a functional application housed on aplatform within the domain. End-users include a diverse ecosystem of stakeholders: patients, parents, communitymembers and members of the health care team. This app is designed to give consistent answers to 3 questions: 1) What isthe plan? 2) How do you do it? 3) How is it going? This talk will explore the information gap in knowledge of an individual’schronic disease self-management plan that led to the development of MyAsthma MyPlan. Using MyAsthma MyPlan as a casestudy, we will consider the key features of the app architecture needed to foster efficient and effective communication of theself-management plan across the ecosystem of stakeholders. Finally, we will consider how this application fits into the transitionto value-based payment.


Educational Objectives:

  1. To appreciate the importance of chronic disease management in the U.S. healthcare system.
  2. To identify the ecosystem of stakeholders who play a role in the implementation of an individual’s chronic disease selfmanagementplan.
  3. To systematically identify barriers to communication of the self-management plan as a patient journeys across time, place andorganizations.
  4. To consider key features of an IT infrastructure needed to foster effective and efficient collaboration among stakeholders.