BMI Grand Rounds: Giving the Power Back to Physicians – Geometry and Control in Biomedical Informatics (Part I)

Romeil S. SandhuSpeaker: Romeil Sandhu, PhD, Assistant Professor of Biomedical Informatics, Stony Brook University

Title: Giving the Power Back to Physicians –  Geometry and Control in Biomedical Informatics (Part I)

Time: Wednesday, 3pm—4pm

Location: Atkins Center – HSC Level 4 (Radiology)

AbstractThis talk is designed to be part one of a two-part seminar series for which we lay several foundational constructs of varying algorithmic approaches in biomedical informatics. Here, we will present basic theory and recent advances in discrete geometry and control theory as applied to network science and computational imaging. To motivate necessary mathematical ingredients, we begin by revisiting classical vision problems in segmentation, shape analysis, shape registration, and pose estimation. Concepts such as curvature and its connection to not only system robustness, but also in shape reconstruction will be introduced. From this, we then shift our attention towards how such concepts can be applied in networks to elucidate functional properties of complex systems. Lastly, we will highlight applications in biomedical informatics and set the foundation for the second part of this seminar which will focus on interactive control and incorporation of expert (physician knowledge) in a proper framework from which a host of useable clinical tools maybe deployed. This talk is designed for a graduate level audience interested recent approaches in information geometry as applied to biomedical informatics..


Educational Objectives:

·        Introduce the non-expert to curvature in a visual intuitive manner.

·        Introduce the non-expert to notions of network robustness.

·        Introduce the non-expert to notions of optimal mass transport.

·        Introduce the non-expert to applications related to theoretical concepts of robustness, curvature, entropy and mass transport.

·        Lay the foundation for the second part seminar series which will focus on how to effectively deploy such concepts in the clinical setting.