The REU projects are extension of the NSF CAREER project "High Performance Spatial Queries and Analytics for Spatial Big Data" and "CIF21 DIBBs: Middleware and High Performance Analytics Libraries for Scalable Data Science". Students will conduct interdisciplinary research on GIS based public health studies and digital pathology image analytics. In particular, one project will be on big spatial analytics driven research on opioid epidemic studies, and another project will be on spatial and imaging analytics on pathology imaging for disease understanding.
You will work in the Lab of Data Management and Biomedcial Data Analytics, directed by Dr. Fusheng Wang ( We invite you to join a community of undergraduate researchers, graduate students and faculty to develop innovative solutions for processing, managing, and analyzing large scale data.
Application to the REU Program
The program is open to U.S. citizens and permanent residents who are undergraduates majoring in computer science or informatics, or a related field, with a GPA > 3.0/4.0. Applicants must have completed at least their freshman year. Potential students submit an application form, unofficial transcript, one letter of recommendation, 1-2 page personal statement on research interest, previous research experiences, and any coursework relevant to their research interests.
Priority deadline is March 10th, 2020 (rolling thereafter.)
Please fill the 1) application form, uploading an essay, CV, and unofficial transcript. (You need a gmail account to sign in.) Please have a letter of reference sent to fusheng. wang AT stonybook . edu.
The REU Experience
The REU program at Stony Brook University “Big Spatial and Image Data Analytics” is an opportunity for qualified, academically talented and motivated undergraduate students interested in eventually pursuing their doctor degree in Computer Science or Biomedical Informatics. The program provides the student an intensive research experience with leading researchers in the field.
The program is expected to run from May 26 - July 31, 2020. The REU student will participate in a research project mentored by Dr. Fusheng Wang and his Ph.D. students and become fully integrated in the research group. The student will attend weekly research meetings, and present the research results. The student will also attend academic development workshops co-located with other Stony Brook University REU site, and have the opportunity to present a poster at the REU symposium.
- The participant will receive a stipend of $500 per week, for a total of $5000 summer stipend for full time research.
- Housing and meals will be partially provided to the participant.
- A $500 travel award is provided if the participant lives more than 75 miles from the Stony Brook Campus.
For more information, please contact Prof. Fusheng Wang at @