
BMI Grand Rounds Guest Speaker: Joel Saltz and Apostolos Tassiopoulos

Joel H. Saltz, MD, PhD
SUNY Distinguished Professor Cherith Professor and Founding Chair
Department of Biomedical Informatics
Stony Brook University

Apostolos K. Tassiopoulos, MD, FACS
Professor of surgery and vice chair for quality and outcomes Chief of the Division of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery
Director of the Stony Brook Vascular Center Stony Brook Medicine

Title: Clinical applications of artificial intelligence to improve diagnosis and risk stratification for patients with aortic aneurysms

Date of Event

BMI Grand Rounds Guest Speaker: Romeil Sandhu

Biomedical Informatics Grand Rounds

Wednesday, Feb 03, 2021 3 pm - 4 pm

Romeil Sandhu, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, Stony Brook University

Title: The Interplay of Curvature and Control from Vison-Based Autonomy, Networks, to Economics

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 956 1719 7636 Passcode: 924293

Date of Event

BMI Grand Rounds Guest Speaker: Juan Eugenio Iglesias

Juan Eugenio Iglesias, PhD

Centre for Medical Image Computing (University College London)

Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging (MGH and Harvard Medical School)

Wednesday, Dec 9, 2020 3 pm - 4 pm

Building atlases of the human brain with histology, Bayesian modeling and deep learning; and their application to segmentation of in vivo MRI


Date of Event