
Curriculum of the Stony Brook Fellowship in Clinical Informatics
The CI Fellowship curriculum is designed to prepare the fellows for a real world leadership role in the field of Informatics. The experience can be tailored to the interests and goals of the individual fellows and lead to a variety of career paths such executive positions such as Chief Medical Information Officer (CMIO), Chief Research Information Officer (CRIO),  Population Health & Tele-Health leadership roles, Patient safety, Quality Improvement and Health IT Industry jobs.

Clinical Informatics 

Year 1:  Organization development, compliance, information technology, and clinician and patient user experience.

Year 2:  Human factors, clinical decision support (CDS), system deployment, system and CDS evaluation, quality improvement, and patient safety.

Data and Analytics
Year 1:  Data warehouse, data analytics, machine learning, deep learning, statistical methods, and principles of algorithm design.

Year 2:  Machine learning and statistical methods to predict potentially avoidable readmissions, population health analysis, risk adjustment analytics, analysis of the effectiveness of CDS, digital image analysis applied to quality, analysis of remote health data, etc.

Year 1:  Research projects to characterize effectiveness of clinical informatics and healthcare IT system user experience, decision support, patient safety, and remote health.

Year 2:  Research project in data analytics, machine learning, deep learning applied to population health, analysis of decision support results, remote health data. Characterization of clinical phenotype with applications in risk adjustment and decision support.

Year 1:  NA

Year 2:  Development, deployment and evaluation of methods for capturing patient information in home, work, and remote clinic settings. Decision support to link patients, caregivers, and family. Methods for leveraging smartphones as well as specialized devices for remote medicine. Leveraging web apps and fast healthcare interoperability resources (FHIR) to ensure functionality, security, and confidentiality.

Didactic Experience
This will include courses from the BMI Graduate Program 
Year 1:

  • BMI 501: Introduction to Biomedical Informatics
  • BMI 503: Computer Science for Biomedical Informatics
  • BMI 512: Clinical Informatics
  • BMI 520: Data Analytics and Software Stacks

Year 2:

  • BMI 540: Statistical Methods in Biomedical Informatics
  • Other BMI courses as desired if pursuing a Masters degree.

Research Experience
Fellows begin research in their first year and complete meaningful projects in quality improvement, data analytics, machine learning and population health in their area of interest, and with the support of the Biomedical and Clinical Informatics faculty. They play a primary role in the design, development and implementation of various IT  applications and quality improvement projects. Fellows receive guidance in disseminating their work through publications and presentations at conferences.

Clinical rotations:
The fellowship program permits up to 20% FTE in clinical practice in the primary specialty. Providing the opportunity for clinical care will be made on a case by case basis with the corresponding department.