
CD-Net: Histopathology Representation Learning Using Pyramidal Context-Detail Network

Abstract: Extracting rich phenotype information, such as cell density and arrangement, from whole slide histology images (WSIs), requires analysis of large field of view, i.e. more contextual information. This can be achieved through analyzing the digital slides at lower resolution. A potential drawback is missing out on details present at a higher resolution. To jointly leverage complementary information from multiple resolutions, we present a novel transformer based Pyramidal Context-Detail Network (CD-Net).

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Learning Probabilistic Topological Representations Using Discrete Morse Theory

Abstract: Accurate delineation of fine-scale structures is a very important yet challenging problem. Existing methods use topological information as an additional training loss, but are ultimately making pixel-wise predictions. In this paper, we propose the first deep learning-based method to learn topological/structural representations. We use discrete Morse theory and persistent homology to construct an one-parameter family of structures as the topological/structural representation space.

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Learning Topological Interactions for Multi-Class Medical Image Segmentation

Abstract: Deep learning methods have achieved impressive performance for multi- class medical image segmentation. However, they are limited in their ability to encode topological interactions among different classes (e.g., containment and exclusion). These constraints naturally arise in biomedical images and can be crucial in improving segmentation quality. In this paper, we introduce a novel topological interaction module to encode the topological interactions into a deep neural network.

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An Integrated LSTM-HeteroRGNN Model for Interpretable Opioid Overdose Risk Prediction

Abstract: Opioid overdose (OD) has become a leading cause of accidental death in the United States, and overdose deaths reached a record high during the COVID-19 pandemic. Combating the opioid crisis requires targeting high-need populations by identifying individuals at risk of OD. While deep learning emerges as a powerful method for building predictive models using large scale electronic health records (EHR), it is challenged by the complex intrinsic relationships among EHR data.

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Visual Attention Analysis Of Pathologists Examining Whole Slide Images Of Prostate Cancer

Abstract: We study the attention of pathologists as they examine whole-slide images (WSIs) of prostate cancer tissue using a digital microscope. To the best of our knowledge, our study is the first to report in detail how pathologists navigate WSIs of prostate cancer as they accumulate information for their diagnoses.

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Predicting the Visual Attention of Pathologists Evaluating Whole Slide Images of Cancer

Abstract: This work presents PathAttFormer, a deep learning model that predicts the visual attention of pathologists viewing whole slide images (WSIs) while evaluating cancer. This model has two main components: (1) a patch-wise attention prediction module using a Swin transformer backbone and (2) a self-attention based attention refinement module to compute pairwise-similarity between patches to predict spatially consistent attention heatmaps.

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RadioTransformer: A Cascaded Global-Focal Transformer for Visual Attention–Guided Disease Classification

Abstract: In this work, we present RadioTransformer, a novel student-teacher transformer framework, that leverages radiologists’ gaze patterns and models their visuo-cognitive behavior for disease diagnosis on chest radiographs. Domain experts, such as radiologists, rely on visual information for medical image interpretation. On the other hand, deep neural networks have demonstrated significant promise in similar tasks even where visual interpretation is challenging.

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GazeRadar: A Gaze and Radiomics-Guided Disease Localization Framework

Abstract: We present GazeRadar, a novel radiomics and eye gaze-guided deep learning architecture for disease localization in chest radiographs. GazeRadar combines the representation of radiologists’ visual search patterns with corresponding radiomic signatures into an integrated radiomics-visual attention representation for downstream disease localization and classification tasks. Radiologists generally tend to focus on fine-grained disease features, while radiomics features provide high-level textural information.

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Pseudo-Label Guided Contrastive Learning for Semi-Supervised Medical Image Segmentation

Abstract: Although recent works in semi-supervised learning (SemiSL) have accomplished significant success in natural image segmentation, the task of learning discriminative representations from limited annotations has been an open problem in medical images. Contrastive Learning (CL) frameworks use the notion of similarity measure which is useful for classification problems, however, they fail to transfer these quality representations for accurate pixel-level segmentation.

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Topology-Guided Multi-Class Cell Context Generation for Digital Pathology

Abstract: In digital pathology, the spatial context of cells is important for cell classification, cancer diagnosis and prognosis. To model such complex cell context, however, is challenging. Cells form different mixtures, lineages, clusters and holes. To model such structural patterns in a learnable fashion, we introduce several mathematical tools from spatial statistics and topological data analysis. We incorporate such structural descriptors into a deep generative model as both conditional inputs and a differentiable loss.

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