
Token Sparsification for Faster Medical Image Segmentation

Abstract: Can we use sparse tokens for dense prediction, e.g., segmentation? Although token sparsification has been applied to Vision Transformers (ViT) to accelerate classification, it is still unknown how to perform segmentation from sparse tokens. To this end, we reformulate segmentation as a sparse encoding -> token completion -> dense decoding (SCD) pipeline.

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Self Pre-Training with Masked Autoencoders for Medical Image Analysis

Abstract: Masked Autoencoder (MAE) has recently been shown to be effective in pre- training Vision Transformers (ViT) for natural image analysis. By reconstructing full images from partially masked inputs, a ViT encoder aggregates contextual information to infer masked image regions. We believe that this context aggregation ability is particularly essential to the medical image domain where each anatomical structure is functionally and mechanically connected to other structures and regions.

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A Manifold View of Adversarial Risk

Abstract: The adversarial risk of a machine learning model has been widely studied. Most previous works assume that the data lies in the whole ambient space. We propose to take a new angle and take the manifold assumption into consideration. Assuming data lies in a manifold, we investigate two new types of adversarial risk, the normal adversarial risk due to perturbation along normal direction, and the in-manifold adversarial risk due to perturbation within the manifold.

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Gigapixel Whole-Slide Images Classification Using Locally Supervised Learning

Abstract: Histopathology whole slide images (WSIs) play a very important role in clinical studies and serve as the gold standard for many cancer diagnoses. However, generating automatic tools for processing WSIs is challenging due to their enormous sizes. Currently, to deal with this issue, conventional methods rely on a multiple instance learning (MIL) strategy to process a WSI at patch level.

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Precise Location Matching Improves Dense Contrastive Learning in Digital Pathology

Abstract: Dense prediction tasks such as segmentation and detection of pathological entities hold crucial clinical value in computational pathology workflows. However, obtaining dense annotations on large cohorts is usually tedious and expensive. Contrastive learning (CL) is thus often employed to leverage large volumes of unlabeled data to pre-train the backbone network. To boost CL for dense prediction, some studies have proposed variations of dense matching objectives in pre-training.

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Learning to Segment from Noisy Annotations: A Spatial Correction Approach

Abstract: Noisy labels can significantly affect the performance of deep neural networks (DNNs). In medical image segmentation tasks, annotations are error-prone due to the high demand in annotation time and in the annotators' expertise. Existing methods mostly tackle label noise in classification tasks. Their independent-noise assumptions do not fit label noise in segmentation task.

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Neural Approximation of Graph Topological Features

Abstract: Topological features based on persistent homology capture high-order structural information so as to augment graph neural network methods. However, computing extended persistent homology summaries remains slow for large and dense graphs and can be a serious bottleneck for the learning pipeline. Inspired by recent success in neural algorithmic reasoning, we propose a novel graph neural network to estimate extended persistence diagrams (EPDs) on graphs efficiently.

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Few Shot Hematopoietic Cell Classification

Abstract: We propose a few shot learning approach for the problem of hematopoietic cell classification in digital pathology. In hematopoiesis cell classification, the classes correspond to the different stages of the cellular maturation process. Two consecutive stage categories are considered to have a neighborhood relationship, which implies a visual similarity between the two categories.

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A Multimodal Transformer: Fusing Clinical Notes with Structured EHR Data for Interpretable In-Hospital Mortality Prediction

Abstract: Deep-learning-based clinical decision support using structured electronic health records (EHR) has been an active research area for predicting risks of mortality and diseases. Meanwhile, large amounts of narrative clinical notes provide complementary information, but are often not integrated into predictive models. In this paper, we provide a novel multimodal transformer to fuse clinical notes and structured EHR data for better prediction of in-hospital mortality.

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Temporal Context Matters: Enhancing Single Image Prediction with Disease Progression Representations

Abstract: Clinical outcome or severity prediction from medical images has largely focused on learning representations from single-timepoint or snapshot scans. It has been shown that disease progression can be better characterized by temporal imaging. We therefore hypothesized that outcome predictions can be improved by utilizing the disease progression information from sequential images. We present a deep learning approach that leverages temporal progression information to improve clinical outcome predictions from single-timepoint images.

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